The power of an authentic smile, of optimism, of happiness. They say laughter is the best medicine. Well, laughter starts and ends with the eyes and a grin.
Photographers inherently capture and stir emotion. We capture the moment with our subjects. It may be landscapes, wildlife or people. When we convey the emotion from that moment to the viewer, it’s the ultimate success. It lives on forever digitally and in print.
In life, we all have good and bad times. We have moments we wish would just go away at that very second. There are also times where we want feelings, experiences to last. And, they do last just like those captured by the camera. In our memories, our minds, our hearts to be relived inside.

Recent events were surrounded by people who served one another. Cheered one another. These events were lightened by those who offered kindness, support and compassion.
When we experience times of sadness, concern, fear and uncertainty – the warmth of a smile, a thumbs up of “you’ve go this”, or an “I’m here for you” lightens our load or someone else’s. Take on the week….with a smile!
For another Monday Motivation: Winds of Change: Motivation for the Week
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[…] more Monday Motivations start with: Smile for the Camera and You in our Quotes […]
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