Potential: It’s Within Your Reach Today

by Sheen Watkins

Potential. Sometimes we spend more time thinking about tomorrow versus living in the moment we’re in. The potential to do more, be more, have more is drilled in to us almost from day one.

But what about being happy, content and engaged today? How many times do we get caught up in what we plan to do? Losing sight of the amazing moments, sights and people that are right in front of us happens. Not intentionally.

The thought provoking, quick read of Mastering the Art of Happiness from Dylan Buckley reminds us of the core basics of living in the moment. Many tackle each day with the attitude like our soccer player below!

Reaching Your Potential: Celebrate! by Sheen Watkins

As photographers, we attend weddings, travel to adventures, hike to shoot our subjects. Our field of work naturally shares amazing moments. We share smiles, intimate gatherings, celebrations and triumphs. Our images tell stories.

At the same time, we have family members, friends and events that we don’t see as often as we’d like. Or photograph! What about the story of us and those closest to us?

We’re here, alive, ready for the day ahead. We are reaching our potential without even realizing it. Our own, unique potential blooms in how we embrace the plans, surprises and joys of today.

For more Monday Motivations start with: Smile for the Camera and You in our Quotes category.

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