Inspiration, regardless of our fields, comes in many forms. Some of us are inspired to chase the dream, run after our goals, pursue our passions. When we’re running towards the people, those things we love, our pace quickens.
Sometimes, when we go after our goals and what inspires us, the things we love most get left behind. Or, put on the back burner.
It’s not intentional, but it is a part of life. When you’re chasing goals yet continue to feel anxious, this read offers a perspective of what happens when we step back. When we become the chased and not the chaser.
Chasing Inspiration
As a photographer, I’m looking for both composition and light. Each day, I watch color forecasts for the blue hours (the hour before sunrise, hour after sunset), the golden hours (hour after sunrise, hour before sunset). Without fail, I look at the app. multiple times as day. There are days where the light determines my shooting location and schedule. Then, it’s off and running.

The rewards? Filled my memory cards! My drive home is met with anticipation of loading up my images. Other shoots, I’m haunted by what I didn’t capture or missed. Or, worse, complete dissatisfaction with what I photographed.
When I think about my work life prior to my creative life, I still see many parallels. There were times that my pursuit of the business goal interfered with taking care of the immediate. My perspective was, quite frankly, more about me than those around me. When a goal was missed, it was personally devastating.
Looking back at my career and also to today, the strive and desire to be the best that we can be is not a bad thing. Both achieving and missing goals brings learning, growth and satisfaction.
What makes the journey sweeter? When our inspiration finds us.
Let it Chase Us Instead
When I shifted my focus to the needs of others versus my own goals, my work life shifted as well. My patience grew, relationships with others were more engaging and results consistently increased.
Same is true in photography. Instead of always chasing composition and light, I discovered that it’s okay to be chased. Composition and light are always around us. By stepping back and letting both find me, my creative side elevates. I see and experience moments at a different pace.
That pace as a creative is reflective of the pace shift I experienced in my work life. When we step off the gas and let inspiration come to us, our time in the moment is rich and rewarding.
For more Monday Motivations: Your Road to Gold