As we approach the holidays, something happens. Our intentions shift. Our hearts open up a little bit more. We think about the future. Our inner diva softens. Same is true when we make significant life changes.
Are you ready for your next phase? The pursuit of your passion, career shift or a significant change? And what does change really look and feel like?

Hindsight is always 20/20. We’ve all lived or are living at a work pace. In the rat race. Driving in the throes of our careers. Living in our ‘inner diva’ day to day of routines.
Then, changes happen. Planned or unplanned. Earlier than anticipated or a bit later.
For me personally, after 18 months of change, there’s been some a-ha moments. Overall, good a-ha moments.
Saying Goodbye to my Inner Diva
Before starting this blog, I revisited the definition of “diva.” Simply put, a diva is self-important person who is temperamental and difficult to please. As we pursue our careers, personal goals and life in general, we all have a little diva in us. Fellas included.
There’s nothing wrong with working to be your very best. Until, you’re really not your best because of (pick one or more) 1) your self inflicted stress, 2) unhealthy self esteem driven by a good vs. bad day or people at work 3) misdirected competition and 4) strained relationships.
Part of saying goodbye to our inner diva includes tossing routines and leaving the negative vibes behind. The other part is that some positive, comfort zone elements in that world fade away too. Daily friendships, routines, tasks and accomplishments.
The Unexpected Discards
Who knew that glossy high heels, pencil skirts and cocktail dresses would quickly vs. slowly vanish from my closet? During my shift to the great outdoors, I really thought I would have a need for at least half of them.
Today, my ex inner-diva resides in dust covered shoeboxes, unworn career and party clothes pushed to the basement. Both of which are going to shelters this month.
Gone are the hours in front of a mirror ‘getting ready’ for the day, prepping for the big meeting, dressing up for the party.
Living in a remote area, combined with recent events, a big day out dressing up is a trip to Costco.
For some, this sounds pretty boring. For others, this potentially inspires thinking about what your next move or venture might bring as it relates to your own dreams. Or, it reinforces staying put.
The only recommendation here is that we stay true to what makes us happy for us and those closest to us. And, that we tackle our passion, our desired future state.

Saying Hello to the Future and Current State: Tackling Our Passion
Today, hours in nature, photographing, exploring, hiking and yes, breathing, top my day’s agenda. Less really is more. More time, room and awareness.
As a photographer and outdoor enthusiast, the light and nature’s elements determine my schedule.
Some days begin and end watching the sun at the horizon. Other mornings start with coffee in hand in front of my Macbook computer (Amazon), or desktop iMac (Amazon) blogging away. Or, post processing images from the previous day’s shoot.
So I started this blog with the inner-diva thing. I think I still have it, but it’s different.
The challenge with current state? No routine! The lack of a schedule and unpredictable weather wreaks havoc on a sleep routine. And, managing all of the not-so-fun administrative stuff that goes with running your own small business.
My job and plans shift with what’s available and inspiring in front of me. I call my own shots (pardon the photographic pun). My blog, which initially started with photography tips only, morphs as I change.
When transitioning into this new lifestyle, the previous way of tackling my job stuck for a while. Initially, it was a challenge to take advantage of the new found freedoms.
For example, when I started my blog. I didn’t give myself much latitude. Started with an initial plan and stood by it. To the point I was getting a bit frustrated with a single focus.
Today my blog still includes photography tips. However, it’s expanding with my work and present day experiences. The common threads span photography, healthy lifestyle, business tips and Monday motivation messages.
The Inner Diva- She’s More Gentle & Forgiving
My cool shoes? Hiking boots, running shoes, all weather booties, Van’s slip ons and Converse.
The business outfits and skirts? Replaced with hiking tights, layers and all weather gear year round.
The network? I’m more present, in the moment with my family. More conversations center on our plans, our moments versus my work or his work. Long term friendships mean more. Interactions with previous work friends that remain in touch continue.
What matters shifts to intentional awareness. Aware of what’s important. Time. Time doing what you love, with the people that make a difference in your life.
That doesn’t mean responsibilities, chores and tasks go away. Instead, it’s finding real happiness in how you live, engage and be in the moment with others.
Are you ready for your next phase? The pursuit of your passion, career shift or a significant change? And what will change really look and feel like for you?
Inspiring and Great article! Thank you Sheen! 👏🏽
Hi Dionne! So great to hear from you and that you enjoyed. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Wonderful post. So happy for you! Took up photography a couple of years ago. Has become a passion. Your work is amazing! I can only aspire to such skill.
Hi Roxanne! Thank you so much for reading and the feedback. So thrilled that you’ve embraced photography. Congratulations to you on finding this amazing craft. Have an awesome day!
Great insights Sheen. Very timely for me
Good morning Mary! Thank you for commenting and that you found this insightful, always great to hear from you too. Have a wonderful holiday week.
Great article Sheen… passionate and insightful. Keep living your best life!
Hi Lori! So awesome to hear from you. Hope you had a great weekend and so glad you enjoyed! Take care!
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