Sometimes we lose sight of how to keep life and business simple. The same is true with our pursuit of our passions, our art.
It’s not by design. Nor is it intentional. When we’re in the throes of a moment, how do we respond?
If we play whack a mole, problems go away for the time being. But will they raise their heads next week? Next month?
Or, do we over complicate solutions? When we start solving issues with too many plans, rewrites, restructures we lose ground.
If we’re struggling for inspiration and start a project without an idea, where does that project land? In the land of frustration?
We quickly and easily lose sight of our intent.

How to Keep Life and Business Simple
It’s easy from the outside to watch people, groups and even companies face challenges and then cast an opinion.
From the inside, it’s also quite common to look at problems and opportunities from the same vantage point.
As an artist, sometimes we go back to the same well too many times. Boredom takes hold.
In all views, a few things are certain. At some point, we’re in the role of ‘chief solver.’ Consider:
- If we over complicate a solution, we’ve delayed progress.
- When we over-think and try to do it on our own, we lose an opportunity to try something new.
- If we under estimate what needs to be done, preparation suffers. We lose time.
- Rinse and repeat doesn’t always work. Or motivate.
“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”
― Confucius
How to Keep Life and Business Simple?
So many thoughts, quotes and perspectives on simplicity. If a magic bullets exists, let’s find it! How?
- Ask a child. Describe your situation to a child in their language, the solution might surprise you.
- Listen. Really listen. I’ve heard (and also guilty of this) too many people say they’re listening. That they’re listeners. And they keep on talking. The result? A missed viable solution from another view.
- Get creative. No, you don’t need to create the next new invention. Instead, research ideas, open your mind to inspiration from others. Creativity is not always about inventing. It’s stretching and reaching for new, outside of our norm.

Glass, Paper, Scissors
Case study: The images throughout this blog arose from boredom and frustration. I needed new material, something different.
Instead of hitting the woods or beaches, I asked the internet (child). My search? “Fun and simple photography project abstract”.
Why abstract? It’s outside of my comfort zone – something new. The search results included videos. Listening and learning soon cleared the way for creativity. And fun.
After a trip to the basement for colored tissue paper, printing paper and scissors, the “Paper Project” elevates to reality.
With a few folds of printer paper on a glass top, I changed the colors by switching tissue paper. The tissue paper rests underneath the glass top and was backlit with a small flashlight.
For photography tips on this project: DIY Abstract Photography Project

Keep Life and Business Simple
There are always people who make things harder than they should be. Sometimes there’s no damage. Other times, the wake floats with lost time, money and wasted resources. It’s a fact of life.
For those who desire simplicity, it’s within reach. That’s doesn’t mean it’s easy or without work. Simplicity is clarity. Clear choices and paths. A new perspective on an old problem. And, creativity.
For more quotes and Monday motivation articles: Aperture and Light, Quotes