Business partners and friendships change over the course of time. Think about your closest friends as a kid, high school and college. Then, think about your coworkers from early in your career to today.
How many of these have we lost touch with, don’t talk to or avoid? Consider those that we haven’t seen but when we recall a memory, a moment it brings a smile to our faces and warms our hearts.
When the later happens, we have an opportunity. An opportunity to reconnect, to share the memory, to bring a smile. Today, reconnections look differently and they don’t take much time. Whether it’s a social media post, email or a like, we send a message that we’re thinking about them. That while not present, they still represent a piece of our lives. We and they are not alone.

With our current and former business partners and friendships, there’s another art that’s getting lost. The phone call or now, the video. The reaching out and connecting where’s there’s an exchange of voices, laughs and a listening ear.
With social distancing and current events, the need for connection has never been greater for many. Yet, folks are hesitant to reach out.
As we evolve (a nice way of saying ‘getting older’ or ‘maturing’), our memories are getting longer, our lives are getting shorter. Fill your memories and those around you with a reconnect. More than likely you won’t regret reaching out. Our regrets happen when we ‘didn’t’.
So, who will you call today?
For more positive idea starters:
- Motivation for the Week: Lights and Storms from Aperture and Light
- Inc.’s article of “51 Quotes to Inspire Success in Your Life and Business” by Jason Demers CEO at Email Analytics