Affiliate Marketing & Adsense ads are opportunities and actions for bloggers. As a fairly new photography blog site, our goals are sharing engaging and educational content. The good news for bloggers today is that there are ways to help fund their blog investment costs at no expense to the reader!
Years ago, newspapers waited on our porch each morning. Pages filled with small, banner and large ads pulled our eyes to products and services for sale. It’s the same with online with ads, except the speed to act is much faster online.
Two methods are affiliate marketing and Adsense. Today, viewers see ads pop up on just about every site they visit. If they’ve been on social media, a news or shopping site, they’ve seen and more than likely clicked on ads. It’s the way of the world today.
However, both your affiliate marketing partner and Google Adsense have ethics policies, terms and conditions in place. Knowing these ensures your site remains in good standing.
Here’s a search link that will take you to: Adsense Guidelines. If you have a question, the search engine is pretty good at finding the response you need.
At the core of affiliate marketing, bloggers earn commissions on products and companies they choose to place on their site. Payout plans vary. It may be a single click or an outright purchase that drives revenue.
With Adsense, bloggers earn commissions when readers click and/or makes purchases on ads selected and run by Google Adsense.
Bloggers generate results through solid content, audience reach and the right balance of ads. It”s not a ‘put the ads there and they’ll click”. Build an ad strategy that matches your blog. Plan and know what works for your site. If something’s not working, try something new. What worked three months ago may not be right for today. There’s no magic bullet other than trial, error, adjust and work your blog.

Actions of Affiliate Marketing & Adsense:
For affiliate marketing relationships, the blog owner dedicates blog space(s) to specific companies. To become an affiliate marketer, you need to apply to that company or their affiliate marketing management group for approval. Upon approval, bloggers update their site with ads that have imbedded tracking codes. Typically, there’s multiple types to choose from based on your blog site.
Additionally, with affiliate marketing, many bloggers elect to write articles, reviews on products by these companies.
With Adsense, bloggers dedicate blocks of space for Google to place ads to your readers. These ads, selected by Google Adsense are based on Googles algorithms.
Can Bloggers Use Both on their Sites?
Yes, bloggers use both on their sites and it is allowed by Google. It’s up to the blogger to follow affiliate companies and Adsense’s policies with selection of programs.
For example, adult content by your affiliate marketing company will go against the terms for Adsense. Definitely not allowed. Another example is to ensure that the balance of your affiliate marketings placements and Adsense are in line with their T’s and C’s.
In the screenshot of our home page you’ll see one of our affiliate marketing placements and one of the Adsense placements.
When photographers engage in affiliate marketing, do they lose their bias?
Blog readers today are smart. If they are spending time reading a blog, it’s because they find value. If you’re an affiliate marketer and your blog is about that product, your content will fall flat if it’s not factual from your experience.
It’s not a requirement to write blogs about the products and services that you’re an affiliate marketer for. If you’re passionate about a product – whether it’s an affiliate marketing relationship or not, by all means write about it.
Your view has credibility with readers. That credibility in addition to other factors that make your blog special promotes loyalty and returning visitors.
Is Aperture and Light an Affiliate Marketer?
Yes, I’m an affiliate marketer for Adobe, Topaz and Backblaze. I chose these due to the fact that I’ve used these products for years. I’ve written about Backblaze (see: Before Your Work is in Ashes: Backblaze and Data Protection) . Also, I write about Lightroom and Photoshop in instructional blogs. An overview of Topaz is coming soon. More affiliates may surface based on our direction over time.
If my blog encourages a click or purchase, that’s great. If it discouraged someone from making a purchase, that’s fine as well. Street credibility lasts longer than any click!