It’s that time of year when we’re feeling pretty chilled out on winter photography ideas. What’s not to love about winter photography? Forget the cold for a moment and think about all of the sights unique to winter.
If you live in the northern climates, there’s snow, ice, white and softer light. In warmer climates, you may not have the winter whites. However, you see more barren landscapes with bright blue, wintry skies. Another plus for the south? You get to take a break to visit the cold and leave when you’ve had enough.
Seriously, there’s so much to photograph in winter. First, we’re going to chill with some cool ideas that you can do from home. Or close by. Then, we’ll share a link to a photographer who’s crazy limits know no boundaries. We’ll add in a few links to more winter photography ideas and tips including clothing, caring for your gear and camera settings.
Winter Photography Ideas that Won’t Leave You In the Cold….for Too Long
Snowball Eruption – Action
A good snowball family fight with powdery snow won’t hurt you. It’ll feel even better if you can catch a snowball being blown into pieces. Bright clothing and dark gloves frame our white explosion. A fast shutter speed of 1/250 seconds using Lensbaby Sol’s shallow depth of field enhances the snow globe effect.

Winter Perspective on a Summer Favorite – Human Elements
Summer hotspots shown in winter scenes tell viewers that it’s a good idea to take another look. Sleeping Bear Dunes nestled in Leelanau County, Michigan has well over 1.5 million visitors in the summer and autumn months. Filled with color-laced drives and hikes along Lake Michigan and the deep woods, it’s a haven for photographers.

The winter months offer just as much diverse beauty and adventure. Fat tire bikers, cross country skiers in addition to our landscapes cool the camera with hot images!

You may not be able to travel to Michigan or somewhere far. Locally, city visitor centers shares ‘things to see and do’ with tourists daily. Pretend you’re a tourist and hop on the local bus or trail map.
Ice Monsters & Formations become Art

From tiny icicles to large scale masses of ice, winter offers its own unique artistry. When big weather hits, snowmen, sculptures, caves and ice scapes emerge. Pick a favorite lens or two and freeze the frame with your ideas.

Wildlife Wonders

Wildlife in winter dazzles viewers with visitors from the tundra, such as our Snowy Owl. White winter coats of the Ermine look gentle and friendly despite their small viciousness. Telephoto lenses take viewers up close to winter’s wildlife world.

Winter Light
Heavier clouds, shorter days just means that our window of shooting time is a bit less. Sun masking clouds brighten skies with vanilla ice cream light.

Sunrises surface later and the sun sets earlier. The Photographer’s Ephmeris tracks sun and moon patterns. With their Skyfire app, there’s also a color forecast that has a high degree of accuracy when matched against your favorite weather app.
For additional tips on sunrise photography: Fast Tips: Stunning Sunset Photography
Sound of Silence – It’s Behind You
Global travel photographer, Carolyn T Davis shared this advice a long time ago. “When engrossed in your subject, stop and look at what’s behind you.” To see the world through her eyes: Carolyn T. Davis Photography
Almost every time photographer Carolyn’s advice resonates in my head, I never leave with an empty memory card. While photographing an old chicken coop, her voice emerged. When I turned around, the world view changed. Winter white silence.

Fun & Inspirational Winter Photographer – Braving the Elements
Dave Sanford’s mountainous wave images from Lake Erie challenge the bravery of most humans. The Mens Journal article of Adventure Photographer Braves Freezing Cold for Stunning Photos of Lake Erie profiles Dave Sanford and his work. His images on Instagram and his website will pull you into and under winter waves topping 30 feet. Anyone care to join Dave on his next outing?
Winter Shooting Tips
David Shaw from Expert Photography shares his first hand-Alaska influenced camera care tips. How to Care for Your Camera Equipment in Cold Weather. David also leads photography expeditions for small, intimate groups.
Imaging Resource’s article on 13 tips for photographing snow provides a full set of technical tips that will get you started fast.
For those of us who shoot or may be planning a trip in the extreme cold, Sherry Osborne from Digital Photography School shares: Photography in Extreme Cold.
We have a few months of cold ahead of us. Let’s get out there to savor the light and unique treasures of winter.