What do photographers really want for Christmas? Yes, there are many gifts that will brighten a photographer’s stocking. From new lenses, a new camera body or any well-used accessory, they’ll bring a smile to our faces.
Since it’s the holidays, let’s hop aboard the real Polar Express to spread some good cheer. And a bit of humor. After all, our Christmas list is a wish list!
Top Christmas Wish List Gift Ideas
- Weddings where all guests leave their smartphones behind. Or that their batteries die before the bride and groom kiss.
- A 600mm f/2.8 lens that weighs 16 ounces tops the wildlife photographer’s list.
- A camera bag that holds everything you need for ‘that shoot’ and sets off an alarm when you’re forgetting something.
- What about a gear backpack that actually makes your gear weigh less?
- Sensors that really clean themselves.
- Sunrise light that lasts for an hour versus a few minutes.
- Sunsets that have balanced light between the sky and foreground.
- A 50% discount to upgrade your camera body to the newest model.
- Lenses that can be used across multiple camera manufacturers.
- Tripods that never need adjusting or cleaning.
- Travel security lines for photographers only.
- Raw files that aren’t as large but can create mega-size prints.
- Family members that wait patiently while you get the next shot.
- No trespassing signs meant ‘welcome photographers.’
- A 14-600mm 2.8 lens that weighs 48 ounces.
- The phrase, “I’ll give you credit if you let me use your photograph” would go away.
What would you add to the holiday list? Seriously, as photographers we’re pretty fortunate. We see and photograph subjects that the majority of folks pass by. Our work is a reflection of what we see and feel. We bring moments and memories to life, time and time again.

from Sheen Watkins
To add holiday cheer to your images – try a starburst or two.
Why don’t you come over for the holidays, and please bring your camera? The gang will be here. (translation–work for free)
Sue – that is so true! Happy holidays to you and thanks for commenting!
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Thank you for the share @Bohn & Reis! PS – I’m from Arkansas originally too.
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