Abstract photography with camera painting turns traditional subjects into hues, shapes and light. Your inner artist emerges through painting with intentional camera movement. The result will be a melding of color palettes and textures.

The featured images were created using the techniques shared below.
When creating abstract photography in camera using movement, the following actions will enhance your experience and outcome.
- Paint with shutter speed. The speed should be slow but not too slow. Try starting with 1/2 second. Then try faster and slower shutter speeds to achieve different texture effects.
- Practice steady, clean movement. Whether moving slightly in a horizontal or vertical direction, a steady hand will prevent the squiggly effect (unless that’s the look you’re going for).
- Delete distractions in advance. Indirect bright lights may look stringy or distracting when camera movement techniques are used. Conversely, too dark of patches can look like blobs. Fill areas with color without background lights, that clean vertical or clean horizontal lines .
Push your inner artist to see and create a subject differently with camera movement. Experiment. Play. And with practice, the artistry will grow! For more photography tips, head to our photography tips sections.